#Scope 3 Berita

ISSB chair Emmanuel Faber at IFRS Conference 2024
Such disclosures will be 'the future of climate reporting', says ISSB chair Emmanuel Faber, as the global standards body assumes new responsibility to develop guidance on how firms should put out transition plans to meet net-zero targets.
China coal plants - Greenpeace
While Asia Pacific utilities have expanded their renewables capacity in the last decade, all except those in Australia grew their coal capacity over the same period, pointing to the need to step up early coal retirement, finds a new study.
No planet B
Studio EB Corporates’ silence on sustainability hinders progress, as do splashy unrealistic vows. South Pole’s APAC leader Shruti Singh tells Eco-Business how businesses can thread the needle and communicate to build trust in a polarised environment.
Spencer Low, regional head of sustainability, Google
The former SATS chief sustainability officer joins a company that aims to achieve net-zero emissions across its full value chain by 2030.
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#Scope 3 Pendapat

Indonesia Stock Exchange
Beyond investors, consumers should also be empowered to critically use sustainability reports to assess a company's sustainability credentials. Here are five steps they can take to start reading reports using GRI standards.
Linking remuneration to a company’s climate-related goals is an important catalyst for corporate climate action. There are different factors that companies need to consider to implement effective climate-linked incentive schemes.
SANY_China_lighthouse factory
Engaging the world’s largest polluter on climate solutions has not been smooth sailing. Supply chains are highly inter-connected and businesses find that they need to tread along a tightrope between China and the West, even on climate.
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#Scope 3 Penyelidikan

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leaf background pattern

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