#smart grids Berita

AirTrunk_hyperscale data centres
Studio EB While there is potential for clean energy to one day power Asia Pacific, high costs and the intermittent nature of renewables stand as barriers in the way. Businesses, especially in the tech sector, must channel efforts towards solutions that provide round-the-clock clean energy.
Electricity transmission towers
Studio EB Southeast Asia’s transition to clean energy will require cross-border collaboration on infrastructure development and regulatory frameworks, say experts.
DG IRENA La Camera SIEW 2023
Having more energy storage facilities can help shake Southeast Asia's reliance on fossil fuels, said the head of the intergovernmental body championing the use of renewables in a sit-down with Eco-Business.
Google Breakfast Briefing UCFS 2023
Studio EB Public-private partnerships to enable continued cross-border data sharing are critical to unlocking the potential to harness existing data for climate action, according to a report.
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#smart grids Pendapat

Solar farm, Thailand, op-ed
As Southeast Asian nations embark on their energy transition journey, there is huge potential for digital technologies to improve energy efficiency, prepare grids for higher shares of renewables, and cut power costs.
‘Growing momentum’ to make 2021 the global action year for sustainable energy
In a bid of optimism for the new year, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) expressed confidence that clean energy would grow in 2021.
cities sustainability gentrification
Investments in sustainable infrastructure and initiatives in a city can exacerbate inequality by further marginalising local communities. How can cities design for sustainability while putting people at the centre of their plans to green?
gardens by the bay aerial pixabay
Local success stories can help sustainable cities become widely accepted and scale up solutions to improve the livability of urban areas, writes Jason Alexandra.
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#smart grids Video

Studio EB Battery technology could reshape the global energy sector, and this year's #Innovate4Climate summit in Singapore will focus on the cutting-edge innovation that could change the energy landscape.
singapore boat cruise
At the recent Technology + Sustainability: The Road to Smart Cities event, Singapore's public and private sector leaders gathered for a crystal-ball gazing session to answer one key question: Will technology deliver a better future for Singapore, and the world? And if so, how do we get there?
semakau ntu grid
Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University is building the region’s first model electricity grid that can tap and distribute power from multiple energy sources, including fossil fuels and renewable energy.
mall of the world waterfalls
The emirate says the world's largest mall will be built as a smart city following environmentally-friendly guidelines, but experts and observers voice concerns on the ambitious nature of the project.
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#smart grids Audio

Solar panels in the fields in India
Studio EB [The EB Podcast] Clean energy is tipped as the solution to Asia's energy trilemma—the need to scale up energy access, but in an affordable and sustainable way. How can technology help the region realise the full potential of clean energy?
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