#surveys Berita

Metro Manila heat
Six out of 11 cities which endured heat strongly influenced by climate change for 30 days or more from last December to February 2025 were in Asia, including in Tamil Nadu, Manila and Jakarta, according to data from nonprofit Climate Central.
Yangtze River flood
China is the most affected country in Asia from floods and typhoons, followed by Myanmar, India and the Philippines. But high-income countries are not exempt from climate damage.
Extreme heat, storms and food insecurity fuel violence against women as climate change ramps up risk factors.
NIO EV battery swap
Clean energy transport firms NIO Inc, Yadea, Li Auto and XPeng surge in ranking of the region’s most sustainable companies, while Taiwanese corporates make their debut in Corporate Knights’ Global 100 Index.
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#surveys Pendapat

Low awareness of the link between heat and eco-anxiety in Indonesia requires a more comprehensive strategy in the campaign.
Regular stakeholder consultation is needed to address climate change and lessen pollution-related health impacts.
We need more women in senior roles in finance to build inclusive institutions and allocate capital more rationally and fairly.
Workers worldwide will need the expertise and resources to drive the fossil fuel-free agenda forward.
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#surveys Video

Researchers have invented a tiny, laser-powered bug that takes off, lands and aspires to hover wirelessly.
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leaf background pattern