#tidal Berita

Nami rooftop project
The new decree is seen as the latter of two policy moves needed to jumpstart the country’s clean energy market. New funding is already flowing, but concerns remain as to whether Vietnam’s power grid can handle more renewables.
Commercial seaweed farming began in the Philippines in the 1970s and has grown to be one of the country’s most significant aquaculture enterprises, supporting more than 200,000 coastal families.
Port Dickson beach sand - before and after
Sarawak is most severely affected by shoreline erosion, and in some instances, entire beachfronts have been 'swallowed' by stronger waves, but its stories and losses have not been well-documented in Malaysia.
The Pakistani megacity releases 88 per cent of its sewage untreated into the Arabian Sea, mostly through open drains that flow past fishing villages.
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#tidal Pendapat

Tacloban city in the Philippines after the destruction wrought by Typhoon Haiyan in 2013
Typhoon season in Asia is an annual, grim reminder of the need for more resilient infrastructure as the impact of climate change intensifies. Arcadis’ John Batten III talks about how cities can prepare themselves for worse weather.
A wind farm beside a river in China
China is establishing itself as a renewables leader in richer nations but is still pushing polluting coal technology in Asia and Africa.
To avoid 2 degrees of climate change, global carbon emissions will need to be reduced by at least …
CSIRO recently announced that energy from the ocean could supply 11 per cent of Australia's demand by 2050. …
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#tidal Video

solar gili air id
Southeast Asia's largest energy consumer has been slow to transition to renewables, but recent policies point to greater expansion of the country's solar, tidal and geothermal energy production.
semakau ntu grid
Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University is building the region’s first model electricity grid that can tap and distribute power from multiple energy sources, including fossil fuels and renewable energy.
visitor centre tidal power
The Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay is looking to build a sustainable marine community that relies on tidal power for low carbon electricity, food security from aquaculture, and eco-tourism for their livelihood. Watch the video here.
Haiyan from space
Even before Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines with such devastating force, weather watchers around the world had been …
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leaf background pattern