#water security Berita

As climate change ravages India's crops, world's largest government insurance scheme leaves vulnerable farmers exposed.
Glaciers in Antarctica
On the first World Glacier Day, experts urge Asia's businesses and policymakers to act this decade to slow glacier loss and ice melt, which remains “out of sight, out of mind” despite the region's extreme vulnerability to rising sea levels.
Despite being highly vulnerable to climate risk, Sri Lanka is slow to tap into climate funding due to a range of issues including inadequate data systems, institutional weaknesses and limited capacity to design and implement viable projects.
Permas Jaya-Pasir Gudang highway, Johor
There are concerns that Malaysia's data centre boom will strain its water resources, spurring investor demand for water risks disclosures – especially in the technology sector. Firms must start valuing water risks and engaging suppliers.
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#water security Pendapat

Even though the global economy depends on a stable climate and reliable ecosystem services, businesses and financial institutions are not required or incentivised to invest in nature. Central banks and supervisors could change that trajectory simply by fulfilling their financial-stability mandate.
Plastic-contaminated soils affect food security, water quality and ecosystems, making soil health a critical global issue.
Land use of Australian coal mines
Major industry players are working together to create a voluntary global standard that can certify minerals as responsibly produced. But such a framework would consolidate the power and influence of these mining giants and allow them to act with impunity, while providing false assurances to investors, governments, and consumers.
Prohibiting mining in key areas can safeguard biodiversity and Indigenous rights in the energy transition.
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#water security Video

Watch: Singapore researchers are trying to give banana skins and coconut husks a new lease of life in water purification kits that can be used in disaster situations. They could one day also be used in the manufacture of batteries.
Thumbnail for Kids Video with Dr Sylvia Earle 2
Do children ask the toughest questions? This World Oceans Day, we get renowned oceanographer Dr Sylvia Earle, founder of Mission Blue, to field questions from curious kids on the mysteries of the deep.
Journey to net-zero Keppel video
Studio EB Our urban infrastructure is responsible for almost 40 per cent of global carbon emissions. Climate solutions need to include the biggest energy guzzlers, clean energy and retrofitting old buildings.
child receives a drink of water in Sudan
Worldwide, 100 million families are stuck in a cycle of poverty and disease because of the lack of access to clean water. What would it take to slake humanity's thirst for water in a sustainable way?
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#water security Audio

Podcast on RSPO's new principles and criteria for certifying palm oil as environmentally and socially sustainable.
Studio EB The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil has released new criteria for certifying responsibly grown palm oil. What's changed and how does RSPO respond to criticism that the new standard lowers the bar for deforestation?
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