#water treatment Berita

Ilugin Sewage Treatment Plant
Although the country treats 67 per cent of its wastewater, it needs to invest in infrastructure maintenance to reduce costs in the long-term, finds a joint report by Economist Impact and Nippon Foundation.
Tourism has caused severe coastal contamination, with consistently high faecal coliform levels in the sea off El Nido, despite efforts like a new sewage treatment plant.
The Central Ground Water Board’s latest report on groundwater quality in the country reveals widespread contamination, with nearly 20 per cent of samples exceeding permissible pollutant limits.
As the New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance approaches at COP29, China’s stance is drawing significant attention.
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#water treatment Pendapat

To encourage greater water reuse, India must prioritise infrastructure development, implement sound policies and allow private sector participation.
While rainfall is important, how it is collected, stored and distributed is crucial to dealing with the region’s increasingly drier spells.
Girls walk as they carry jerrycans to fetch water
As global heating shifts the planet’s water cycle out of balance, lives, nature and economies are under threat.
Building tensions between Singapore and Malaysia over its water agreement are setting the two on a collision course over scarcity and sustainability.
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#water treatment Video

The Green Mortician is Singapore's first water cremation service
The Green Mortician is the city-state's first water cremation service, which has a small carbon footprint compared to traditional funeral options.
Watch: Singapore researchers are trying to give banana skins and coconut husks a new lease of life in water purification kits that can be used in disaster situations. They could one day also be used in the manufacture of batteries.
Journey to net-zero Keppel video
Studio EB Our urban infrastructure is responsible for almost 40 per cent of global carbon emissions. Climate solutions need to include the biggest energy guzzlers, clean energy and retrofitting old buildings.
child receives a drink of water in Sudan
Worldwide, 100 million families are stuck in a cycle of poverty and disease because of the lack of access to clean water. What would it take to slake humanity's thirst for water in a sustainable way?
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#water treatment Audio

Oil clumps on a beach in the resort island of Bintan, Indonesia, near Singapore.
The waste oil dumped into the ocean by ships every year is equivalent to eight Exxon Valdez oil spills, and nowhere is the problem as severe as Southeast Asia. The EB Podcast talks to hotelier Andrew Dixon about how a clever idea using a ship tracking system can help curb an environmental crime that has been largely ignored.
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