Earth to Paris: A love letter

As the UN climate change conference enters its crucial final days, global social media campaign #EarthtoParis wants to send a strong message to world leaders: Make this the turning point against climate change.

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The Earth to Paris coalition has launched a social media campaign that aims to send a resounding message to global leaders gathering this week in the French capital: the world wants something done about the planet and it wants it fast.  

Comprising 110 partners including­­ the City of Paris, Facebook, Twitter, the Nature Conservancy, United Nations agencies and civil society groups, the coalition has created a hashtag #EarthtoParis to unify messages across social media.

“The Earth To Paris coalition invites people everywhere to unite their voices this week for bold climate action so that Earth’s voice is heard during the negotiations at the United Nations Climate Summit—COP21,” the group said in a statement. 

On Monday, the group released a video promoting the movement: a crowd-sourced montage with people around the world, as well as celebrities such as actor Jack Black, entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, singer Pharrell Williams and model Gisele Bundchenm holding signs that read ‘Earth to Paris’. 

In the 90-second video, Earth, voiced by actor Morgan Freeman, says: “The world has spoken. Make this the moment the world has been waiting for. Make this the turning point against climate change. The time to act is now. Be bold. Love, Earth.”

The video was set to ‘Allegro Prestissimo’ performed by cellist Yo-Yo Ma and singer Bobby McFerrin. 

A previous video - #EarthToParis: This is not about Jack Black or Lil Bub, which is a call for video clips, received more than one billion impressions in its first week. 

To coincide with the launch on Monday, Earth to Paris also organised live as well as online events around the world including Twitter chats, Google Hangouts, and local parties and digital events in 19 countries across six continents. 

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