Julia Roberts lends her voice to Mother Nature

Conservation International has rolled out last week its series of short films titled ‘Nature is Speaking’, which highlighted nature as the main actor in the world stage - and human beings need nature more than nature needs them. In this video, Julia Roberts played the role of Mother Nature. Watch it here.

people need nature

Nature doesn’t need people. People need nature. This is the powerful message and the bold tagline of six new short films released by environmental non-profit group Conservation International last week, featuring the voices of famous Hollywood actors including Julia Roberts, Harrison Ford, Robert Redford and other A-list stars.

The campaign, titled ‘Nature is Speaking’, aims to raise the awareness that people need nature for their survival as a species rather than the other way around. It also encourages viewers to actively engage in the conversation about the vital links between nature and human well-being by joining in the discussion through various social media. United States technology firm HP has promised to donate US$1 to CI up to $1 million for every use of the hashtag #NatureIsSpeaking on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, G+, Vine, LinkedIn, Youtube and Tumblr.

In this film, Julia Roberts, who plays the voice of Mother Nature, provocatively delivers these messages: “I have fed species greater than you. And I have starved species greater than you. My oceans, my soil, my flowing streams, my forests: They all can take you - or leave you… Your actions will determine your fate. Not mine.”

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