What will our food of the future look like?

Online platform Collectively’s first feature film aims to make people think about what they eat and how their food is produced.

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Digital platform Collectively launched last month its first online documentary, which looks at the changing landscape of the United States’s food production systems.

The film, “America’s Shrinking Farms”, shows how food innovation is keeping up with the country’s love for food and still meeting nutritional needs without clearing vast tracks of land for agriculture.

The documentary aims to encourage conversation around the future of food and showcase what a new generation of farmers are cooking up to meet people’s need for a healthier diet.

Some of the innovations Collectively found across the US include vertical farming for vegetables, breeding crickets for food, as well as lab-made burger patties from plant-based ingredients that taste and look like meat.

The team at Collectively is also challenging viewers to eat something different and share a photo on social media with the hashtag #InnovativeEats.

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