John Sayer


Mr John Sayer has a background in sustainability and human development, climate change and governance policy. As Director General of Oxfam Hong Kong, he helped shape and implement the first Oxfam International advocacy campaign on climate change (2008-2009). He has served on the board of the Ethical Trading Initiative in the UK, helping major corporations develop socially responsible supply chain policies.

Mr Sayer has served on the advisory body of the UN Global Compact on corporate conduct and as a Stakeholder Council Member of the Global Reporting Initiative and the Council’s Capital Markets Discussion Group. He was Director of Africa Now, an Oxford-based development agency working on market-based solutions for small-scale producers in Africa and promoting ethical supply chains between Africa and Europe.

As Director of Carbon Care Asia he has worked on green finance standards as well as the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement targets into corporate strategy and reporting.
John Sayer holds a Master of Letters in Development Studies (University of New England). He has published research focused on business-NGO relations and corporate social responsibility.

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