Kaj Embren

Kaj Embrén has been involved with Sustainable Development issues for more than 30 years and has a background in the Co-operative Movement. His experience and competence is well recognised in governments and businesses. Kaj led the International Co-operative Green Campaign at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992.

Kaj was also involved in the start up of Swedish foundation The Natural Step together with Karl-Henrik Robert and Per-Uno Alm. He and Per-Uno Alm established the values based company Respect together with the founders of the Body Shop, Gordon and Anita Roddick in the year 2000. He was involved in the start up of The Climate Group in 2003.

Kaj Embrén lived in London for 10 years, but is now based in Stockholm, Sweden.

Read more of his blogs at www.kajembren.com.

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