Lifestyle News

The plant has a potential role as a sustainable powerhouse, but challenges remain in scaling up its production and trade.
save rivers miri high court
National requirements for free, prior and informed consent, or FPIC, are expected to kick in by 2030, which could reshape how companies and state authorities secure consent for renewable energy projects. The government is also planning legislation to prevent strategic lawsuits against civil society.
Klima Action Protest 01
As Asean’s intergovernmental commission on human rights convenes this week, Malaysia as the association’s chair is aiming to finalise the region’s declaration on environmental rights this year.
Stephanie Dickson speaking at TedX
The marketer moves on a decade after co-founding the Singapore-based sustainability lifestyle company known for producing Asia's first Conscious Festival. She will now work for an events consulting firm she started.
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Lifestyle Opinion

Chennai_India_Peri-urban areas
In India, current frameworks for defining urban areas relies on the subjectivity of bureaucracy and archaic metrics such as the distribution of the male workforce. A more accurate definition will enable better targeting of resources.
A handful of fashion brands – H&M, Ralph Lauren, Decathlon and Adidas – are working to stop using coal to power their factories in 2025, while others are prioritising decarbonisation at lower levels of ambition.
Data suggests women do at least two and a half times more unpaid household and care work than men. Time use surveys help quantify that labour for making better policy decisions.
Quantitative summaries of how women spend their time are helping make gendered, unpaid labour and care work visible.
Manila traffic
Metro Manila’s road congestion woes can be solved. But they have been hampered by slow implementation and weak political will.
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Lifestyle Videos

Jack Johnson and Jessica Cheam
Exclusive Jack Johnson says yes, but it is a long road ahead. In this exclusive interview, we ask the American singer-songwriter and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador about his hopes for the state of the world and how music plays a role in providing a dose of optimism in dark times.
The Green Mortician is Singapore's first water cremation service
The Green Mortician is the city-state's first water cremation service, which has a small carbon footprint compared to traditional funeral options.
Dr Sylvia Earle
Exclusive In this exclusive interview to mark Earth Day, Eco-Business speaks to Dr Sylvia Earle, oceanographer and founder of Mission Blue, who draws the link between our climate crisis and the health of our oceans.
good meat eat just chicken bites
Novel food firms are dreaming big about market expansion, but first they must overcome diners' doubts and a huge cost hurdle.
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Lifestyle Podcasts

EB Podcast - climate children's books
Indonesian environmental campaigners took a novel approach to raising climate awareness by publishing five children's books about the country's environmental issues. This podcast explores their creative process and the public's response.
The heat is on Formula 1 to curb its carbon footprint.
Formula 1 emits the carbon equivalent of 30,000 homes as it roars through 21 countries in a season. Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 head of sustainability Alice Ashpitel says the sport's ambition to decarbonise by 2030 is not unrealistic.
EB podcast Goumbook 02
Goumbook launched a regional oceans network that brought discussions on the blue economy to the forefront at the last COP summit. Founder Tatiana Abella tells the Eco-Business Podcast why healthy oceans are important for the Middle East.
Clover Hogan, climate activist, speaking in 2019
Eco-anxiety is a healthy psychological response, says 24-year-old activist Clover Hogan. The founder of nonprofit Force of Nature tells the Eco-Business Podcast how to respond to anxiety in a world that is "numb" to the climate crisis.
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