2011 Desalination and Water Reuse International Forum - Tianjin

To promote the development of Chinese seawater desalination and utilization programs, Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and International Desalination Association (IDA) jointly have hosted the 2004, 2006, 2008 International Desalination Forum & Exhibition (Tianjin, China) which made a great success. The events provided an exchange platform for the most advanced desalination technology and economical, cultural, legal and financial cooperation.
Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and IDA will host the 2011 Desalination and Water Reuse International Forum (Tianjin, China) on April 6-8, 2011. The Forum will provide a platform for the communication between entrepreneurs, experts and professors, and promote the cooperation in R&D and projects in the field of desalination between China and world.
Sustainable Solutions for the Future
Tianjin Saixiang Hotel
Event Sponsors
Sponsored by:
Tianjin Municipal People’s Government
State Oceanic Administration, P.R. China
International Desalination Association
Supported by
Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Co-Organized by:
Tianjin Municipal Science & Technology Commission
Tianjin Municipal Development and Reform Commission
Tianjin Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission
Administrative Committee of Tianjin Binhai Hi-tech Industrial Development Area
Tianjin Oceanic Administration
Organized by:
Tianjin University
Tianjin Polytechnic University
Tianjin Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization, State Oceanic Administration (SOA)
Development Center of Water Treatment Technology, Hangzhou
Northern Technology Exchange Market
China Desalination Association (Preparation)
Apr. 5th, 2011
Morning, Apr.6th, 2011
Keynote Speech/Exhibition
Afternoon, Apr.6th, 2011
Morning, Apr.7th, 2011
Afternoon, Apr.7th, 2011
Technical Visit
Program Topics
General Perspectives on Desalination
State of the Art of Desalination Development Worldwide and in China
Intake and Outfalls
Pre- / Post-Treatment Systems
Membrane Technology
Thermal Technology
Energy Sources, Use and Efficiency
Future Separation Technologies
Water Reuse, Wastewater and Repurification
Desalination and Environment
Commercial Issues
Water Resources Management
Energy Recovery Technology
Hybridization: Power and Desalination Dual Purpose Plants
Membrane and Membrane Project Designs
Regional Perspective and Case Studies
Technologies, products, equipments and services of desalination & water treatment industry
Membrane and membrane modules
Cases of excellent design, packaged technology and excellent engineering
Special modules of water treatment engineering and facilities
Engineering and management
Media, service provider for information, consulting and software

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Mr. Zhang Youxuan

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