Agri Biostimulants 2019 will take place in Rome on 5-6 June. The conference brings together agriculture experts for 2 days of interactive presentations and networking sessions to share their knowlege of biostimulants. The event will highlight the latest scientific achievements, economics and regulatory framework issues.
Agri Biostimulants 2019 aims to give you the latest insights into this fastly growing industry. One of the biggest agricultural challenges is to feed a growing population in a sustainable way. Biostimulants can solve this issue. Thanks to them, we can produce more food taking care of the environment at the same time. We invite you to join your industry peers and discuss the biostimulants market progression.
Previous participants include:
Adama Italia | Agrauxine | AGRICOLA 2000 | Agrinos | Agripower Australia | AgriThority | AlgaEnergy | Alianza Semillas | AlphaBio Control | Arysta LifeScience | Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) | BCF Life Sciences | Biolchim | Biostasia | Biotec Sys | Biotecnologie BT | BiovitisBMS | Micro-Nutrients | Brandon Bioscience | COMPO EXPERT Italia | Consilla Agri | Cuatro Lomas | CYBÈLE AGROCARE | DROSERA | Fertinagro Biotech | Finnish Food Safety Authority | FOMESA FRUITECH | Frayssinet SAS | Fumi Hogar | Gat Fertilizers | GCiC | Geolife Agrithech India | Green Has Italia | Hop Research Institute | ICL Europe | Idai Nature | Imerys | Indofil Industries | Investigaciones Farmaceuticas Agricolas Y Veterinarias | IRTA | Isagro | Israel Ministry of Agriculture Italpollina | Janssen PMP | Lainco | LIDA Plant Research | MateriaNova | Mathex | Micromix Plant Health | National University of Mar del Plata | NEIKER-Tecnalia | Nova Agri Tech | NSure | Nutrifert | Promovert Italia | Sasol | Semillas Fitó | SESVanderHave | Sharda Cropchem | Sibelco | Soiltech Staphyt Regulatory | Sumitomo Chemical Italia | Sustainable Agro Solutions | Technical Uniiversity of Graz | Tidas Agrotech | University of Milan | Uralchem | Valagro | Valent Biosciences | Vivagro | Yoshida Laboratories
Sponsor/exhibitor contact
Peter Baziuk
[javascript protected email address]
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