Connect with Wood Mackenzie’s experts and industry professionals and experts from across the CCUS landscape, providing you with the opportunity to exchange ideas and form valuable business relationships to build the momentum for CCUS deployment.
Agenda highlights include:
- From plans to execution: What would it take to accelerate CCUS deployment?
- Funding CCUS projects: How to get investment decisions
- Connecting CO2 sources to sinks: Is existing infrastructure available or is there a need to retrofit?
- Global CCUS market: The past, present and futuristic view
- CO2 storage: Are there enough to capture global annual emissions?
- Is widespread, global CCUS inevitable? If so, why is the world under-investing?
- Capture to storage, are we ready? Updates on global storage pilot projects
- Location selection: How it interplays with community engagement
- Voluntary Carbon Market: Is it going to survive or is it just a fad?
Speaker companies include BKV, Bracewell LLP, Dow, Emerson, Enbridge, ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions, Kimmeridge and Talos Energy.
Sponsor/exhibitor contact
Laurence Allen
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