Corporate climate action and credible climate communication are crucial in tackling climate change. While more clarity is needed on how different corporates can better understand and undertake their own climate journeys, they are generally realising that the investments they undertake in their net-zero transitions today will reap clear benefits in the years to come.
South Pole’s 2022 Net Zero report found that an increasing number of climate-aware companies are supporting their net zero commitments with science-based targets. Yet surprisingly, one in four do not plan to talk about them – possibly because of the fear of criticism or accusations of greenwashing if they cannot meet their targets. “Green-hushing” makes corporate climate targets harder to scrutinise and limits knowledge-sharing on decarbonisation, potentially leading to less ambitious targets being set, and missed opportunities for industries to collaborate.
With the impacts of the climate crisis already being felt already, ambitious action and credible communication is the only way forward. Companies must explore all the available solutions in the climate action toolkit – within their value chain and beyond it – and engage in honest conversation conversations with stakeholders about their progress.
But what is the right balance of activities and budgets today compared to a longer-term decarbonisation ambition? How should companies talk about the action they are taking in a transparent and credible way? How can climate leaders set a good example for others in their industries and value chains?
In this event, organised by Eco-Business in partnership with global carbon project developer and climate solutions provider South Pole, speakers discuss the global state of climate ambition and claims being made by companies and share insights and experiences to inspire action.
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