CSR Workshops Yangon

Workshop 1: Building and implementing a CSR strategy

This practical half day workshop is aimed at companies who want to make their CSR strategies truly strategic and embedded into the organisation. It will examine the systems that need to be implemented in an organisation to create value. The course will build on a strategic framework that has been tried and tested with a number of CSR Asia clients.

It will look at successful implementations plans, how to get employee buy-in through “CSR Champions” and the importance of partnerships.

Topics covered:

  • Finding the business case for CSR
  • Building a strategy for CSR: a 12-point plan
  • Practices for CSR integration and implementation

Workshop 2: Strategic Community Investment

This training looks at practical steps to develop strategic corporate community investment initiatives that add value for communities and the business. This interactive workshop will provide attendees a step by step process on how a business can identify key communities, issues to support and the internal structures needed to deliver quality community investment programmes. The session will examine approaches, lessons learned and case studies of different companies’ social contributions, including how employees can be engaged in the process. There will also be a section on impact measurement of community investment programmes using the innovative “CSR Asia Community Investment Scorecard” tool.

Topics covered:

  • Best practice in companies’ contributions to communities
  • Identifying opportunities and strategic partnerships which make sense for your company
  • Engaging community stakeholders
  • How employee volunteering, in particular skills-based volunteering, can play a role
  • Measuring inputs, outputs and impact through internationally recognised frameworks
  • Measuring the returns to the business generated by your community investment

* English/Burmese simultaneous interpretation services available for both workshops

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