Eco Design Fair 2014

The Eco Design Fair Spring 2014, the city’s first and largest green consumer community event, will return for its sixth year on April 19-20, 2014 at our new venue Gongyi Xintiandi. Featured at the weekend-long show will be leaders in the social justice and environmental community, including entrepreneurs, designers, and speakers, to inspire the anticipated 15,000 plus visitors how to live green, safe and healthy lifestyles.

This one-of-a-kind weekend experience offers opportunities for Shanghai residents to meet their local community leaders; interact with more than 80 eco-friendly exhibitors; participate in educational workshops; enjoy live music and sample local seasonal cuisine.

Air and quality of life is this year’s theme as these are the most basic requirements of enjoying our natural environment. Feel free to watch the kites fly, enjoy the light breeze against your face, or just jump for joy under the big blue sky at this year’s Eco Design Fair!

Eco Design Fair Spring 2014 is a place to meet like-minded people. People who also enjoy living life to the fullest while remembering to breath deep. Learn how these people are living their passion through art, performance, workshops, and exhibits!

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Sherry Poon

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