IDEA Design Lab - Shanghai

In partnership with the College of Architecture and Urban Planning and the School of Design and Innovation of Tongji University as well as the Fine Arts College of Shanghai Normal University, IDEA Design Lab organizes international workshops gathering students, researchers, professional designers and a wide range of scientists and artists called “Storytellers”.

This next workshop will envision what a hotel room of the future will look like in 2032!

BEE inc. is a strategic partner to the IDEA Design Lab and will participate in the workshop.

Programme in Chinese:

Programme in English:

LAB I will focus on designing an innovative and sustainable hotel bedroom in the future, virtually in 2032.

A case study, which requires attention to comfort and wellness as well as sustainability and resource-saving which is a challenge to combine.

The initiative of setting the scene in 2032 is to get the students to place themselves in the future and release their imagination and creativity. The bedroom requires at a small scale, a comprehensive approach in terms of space, comfort, wellness, facilities, energy, etc…

The bedroom is a universal functional space and the study of this specific area in the hotel will lead the designers to explore the ways this space has been conceived and arranged in the past, in other civilisations and how it can be improved in the future to provide the best comfort in such a restrictive context.

There are three key thematics at the core of LAB I :



New Technologies

Such crucial thematics will enable the participating designers to look at their own cultural heritage and natural environment as sources of inspiration.

The history of hotel bedrooms, ancient Chinese techniques to cope with humidity and heat without using energy, multifunctional and efficient systems from nature when combined with new technologies can create intelligent design solutions in the future.

We can learn from the Past and we can learn from Nature to invent a sustainable future.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Marie Dariel
[javascript protected email address]

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