Microgrid Forum Europe

Microgrid Forum Europe: 17-19 September 2013 - Movenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre

Microgrid Forum Asia:  12-13 November 2013 - Singapore

Dufresne, the producer of the 6 successful Energy Storage World Forums now presents the Microgrid Forum in Europe and in Asia.  Our past 6 Forums had in total 1300+ attendees including more than 43 leading utilities such as EDF, E.ON, ENBW, RWE, GDF SUEZ, TERNA, DONG ENERGY, CHINA STATE GRID, ENEL, with participants from over 70 countries.

The Microgrid Forum will be a two day event that will help you to achieve the business case, power quality and reliability of Microgrids in multiple applications with emphasis of island grids in Europe and rural electrification in Asia.

Europe - Amsterdam - 17-19 September 2013

Case studies from 7 different regions such as Malaysia, Africa, India, Middle East, China and Europe will be evaluated from the confirmed speakers such as Swaziland Electricity Company (Swaziland), Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (India), Capenergies/EDF (France), Alliander (The Netherlands), Faroes Earth and Energy Directorate (Faroe Island), Tenaga Nasional Berhad (Malaysia) and Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (UAE).

Asia - Singapore - 12-13 November 2013

With a focus on rural electrification in the developing countries, confirmed speakers such as Asian Development Bank (The Philippines), Sarawak Energy Berhad (Malaysia), BHP Billiton (Australia) and Public Works Department of Malaysia (Malaysia) will together discuss different ways on how to implement Microgrids in their region.

Download the programmes here:

Europe:  http://goo.gl/jDCjB

Singapore: http://goo.gl/QCbHY

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