National Engineers Day 2021 Prize Presentation Ceremony

National Engineers Day 2021 Prize Presentation Ceremony

Who will be crowned champions of the Engineering Innovation Challenge (EIC) 2021 – the nationwide competition to uncover young engineering talents?

Find out at the National Engineers Day (NED) 2021 Prize Presentation Ceremony that will take place online this Saturday, 20 November 2021 from 2pm to 4pm.

The virtual ceremony will mark the conclusion of NED 2021, Singapore’s largest engineering festival organised by The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) for students, engineering professionals and the public. Minister for Education, Chan Chun Sing will be gracing the event as the guest-of-honour.

Themed ‘Radiation 360’, EIC 2021 puts students from Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges, Polytechnics, Institute of Technical Education as well as local and overseas universities on a rewarding journey of discovery and learning about all things radiation.

Under the mentorship of practising engineers, these students had the unique opportunity to perform research on background radiation levels in Singapore and pitch their innovative solutions to a distinguished panel of judges.

Join us to find out which student teams have emerged from amongst their peers to take home the coveted prize and listen to the presentation of their winning projects.

EIC 2021 is jointly organised by IES, Science Centre Singapore and the Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative with support from the Ministry of Education.

Register for the NED-EIC Prize Presentation Ceremony 2021 at:

And stand a chance to win cool gadgets such as 3D printing pens!

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Tan Jackhng

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