National Engineers Day (NED) 2024

National Engineers Day (NED) 2024

Calling all students! Did you know that engineering has the transformative power to address pressing global challenges and create a better future for us all? Are you aware of the highly exciting and rewarding career opportunities emerging in the world of engineering?

Join us at the National Engineers Day (NED) 2024, an annual youth-inspired event designed to open your eyes to the incredible impact of engineering - and how you can be part of it.

From 2 to 13 July, The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) is organising a series of engaging talks, guided tours and an IES x NTUC engineering career fair for students and the public.

Under the theme ‘Innovating a Circular Economy through Engineering’, NED 2024 will showcase the ingenuity of engineers and their valuable contributions to Singapore’s growth, while illuminating dynamic career opportunities in this dynamic field.

A key highlight of the event is the Engineering Innovation Challenge (EIC), a nationwide competition for secondary to tertiary students to tackle real-world problems with innovative solutions, demonstrating their problem-solving skills in four areas: Renewable Energy & Material, Digital Transformation, Health Innovation and Food Supply Chain.

This year’s NED will also feature the launch of the IES Scholarship Fund for deserving tertiary students pursuing an engineering education.

The 12-day event will culminate at the NED 2024 Prize Presentation Ceremony at ITE College Central, Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre on 13 July 2024. Guest-of-honour Mr Chee Hong Tat, Minister for Transport will grace the event and engage in a fireside chat under the theme ‘Engineering the Future of Clean Transportation’.

Sign up here for the NED activities today. Registration is free for all activities.

Follow @engineerssg on Facebook or Instagram to get the latest event updates

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Amelia Yeo
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