SEAS Workshop: Riding the Green Regulatory Wave

SEAS Workshop: Riding the Green Regulatory Wave

Course outline

This workshop :

  • Provides an excellent introduction to the various sustainability regulations and policies in Singapore, the region and beyond such as the EU which impact your business
  • Helps to overcome the regulatory ‘overwhelm’ by prioritising responses and integrating various frameworks for your business
  • Gives strategic insights to future proof your business to the evolving regulatory risks and opportunities
  • Learn essential risk management tools to anticipate and prepare for transition risk

Course delivery:

Delivered in an engaging and interactive format, this workshop will help connect the dots between various sustainability regulations and also understand future trends for proactive rather than reactive response.

Who this course is for:

  • Sustainability Professionals who have some experience in the domain and wish to sharpen their knowledge
  • Beginner sustainability professionals who wish to have a deeper understanding of regulatory frameworks
  • Anyone new to the sustainability domain wanting a good overview of the latest regulations and sustainability trends

Certification obtained and conferred by

All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance from SEAS upon completion.

Course trainers:
See Profile here

To register

Create a login on the SEAS website here to register. The workshop is open to all SEAS members and non-SEAS members/public.

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