The Defence Force, Emergency Services and Enforcement agencies are the cornerstone of a functional society, ensuring the health, safety and well being of the communities they serve. The high pressure and ever-changing nature of this work requires a unique blend of reactive and proactive leadership skills and an awareness of not only how to deal with a situation, but to ensure the safety and well being of your team.
The hierarchical command structure of these organisations presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for women aspiring to leadership, and despite the increase of women joining the ranks, the top tier is still a very male-dominated space. This event will bring together women from across all areas of Defence, Emergency Services and Enforcement to discuss the demands of their role, how to thrive as a leader in this environment.
Learning and inspiration is delivered via a variety of case studies, personal stories and practical workshop-style sessions led by accomplished leaders. This unique event will maintain its tradition of giving delegates the chance to strengthen the leadership skills, assess their own leadership style and network with like-minded women to better position themselves for leadership success.
Group Discounts Available:
10% off Standard Rate Team of 3 - 4
15% off Standard Rate Team of 5 - 7
20% off Standard Rate Team of 8 +
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