Half of the world’s megacities - with populations over 10 million - are located in the Asia and Pacific region, 44 million people are added to city populations every year,By 2050, 50% of the world’s population will live in the Asia and Pacific region, Cities occupy only 2% of the world’s land, but consume 75% of its resources, Asian cities are likely to contribute more than half the rise in greenhouse gas emissions over the next 20 years.What are the effects of this extraordinary growth? Waste management is not necessarily the first topic that springs to mind when you think about urban living. According to the UN and World Bank, however, it is one of the most critical. Effectively managing waste is important in developed countries. However, the task is most urgent in developing countries. However, there is a long way to go to make the technology cost-effective and fit seamlessly into our lives.
With the main theme as “ Waste to Energy “, the conference will cover important issues like segregation, policies and 5 Rs of waste management for municipal and industrial waste under various sub-themes. In a society where resources are fully valued, financially and environmentally, it is essential that we reduce, reuse and recycle all we can, and throw things away only as a last resort. Waste is not something that should be discarded or disposed of with no regard for future use. It can be a valuable resource if addressed correctly, through policy and practice. With rational and consistent waste management practices there is an opportunity to reap a range of benefits.
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