Australian government supports clean water program

The Australia government supported clean water access program for about 2,000 households in Serang, Banten.

“More than 100,000 people in Serang now have easier and cheaper access to clean water. This will help improve their health, quality of life and economic potential,” AusAID Infrastructure Counselor Ben Power said in a press release on Wednesday.

Serang is one of 35 Indonesian districts that have received grants to install new water connections. Australia is working closely with the Indonesian Government to administer this program.

“Australia is proud to be working with Indonesia to improve access to clean water and is committed to helping Indonesia reach its goal of halving the amount of people living without access to clean drinking water,” said Power.

The grant is part of Australia’s 25 million Australian dollars commitment to Indonesia to increase piped water in poor urban communities, and to increase the number of households with sewerage connections.

This support will give about 60,000 households across Indonesia new connections to piped water and up to 10,000 household’s sewerage connections.

A further 400,000 Indonesians will have access to cleaner water and better sanitation as a result of the Grant Water program.

Furthermore several cities and districts in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, West Nusa Tenggara and Sulawesi will also received benefit from this new water and sanitation initiative.

As well as this grant program, Australia is helping local governments manage community water supply and sanitation utilities to ensure the sustainability of this development.

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