Indonesia, Austria sign investment cooperation

Indonesia and Austria on Tuesday signed three investment cooperation agreements as a follow up to the results of a recent meeting between Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa and Austrian Economic Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner.

The agreements provided for investment in transportation, electricity, and electromagnetic projects.

According to a press release issued by Hatta’s office, the three cooperation agreements consisted of two memorandums of understanding (MoUs) between PT Saratoga Infrastructure and Austria’s Doppelmayr Sellbahnen, state-owned Electricity Company (PLN) and Austrian Andritz Hydro and also a Letter of Intent (LOI) between the Ministry of Public Works and Andritz Hydro.

Hatta Rajasa on Friday (Nov 10) met the Austrian economic minister and 13 Austrian businessmen to discuss economic cooperation which resulted in 13 projects to boost their bilateral relations.

Some of the projects include the development of international hospitals, hydro power tool supplies, power train development, railroad maintenance and machine development, health service development concepts, transportation system improvement, electric locomotive improvement.

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