Making tidal energy affordable

Tidal energy technology, which uses underwater turbines to capture the energy of ocean tides, is still new and therefore expensive. However, recent and pending advancements mean that the technology may become cheaper to install, and create opportunities to reduce costs further by introducing economies of scale.

One such advancement is a new device from Danish marine technology firm MacArtney that lets installers keep turbines underwater while they connect and disconnect power cables. Other breakthroughs in the works include better ways of securing the turbines to the ocean floor. Experts say advancements in industry knowledge will also help drive down costs as operators learn more about the best placement of turbines to avoid wasted tidal energy.

Asian countries that are targeting tidal energy include India - which has identified an 8,000 megawatt potential - and South Korea, which has proposed a 1 gigawatt project in Incheon.

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