MPA, Temasek Poly in fuel cell research tie-up

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and Temasek Polytechnic jointly launched a new maritime fuel cell research initiative, yesterday.

This initiative - which will be able to tap on up to $6 million of funding - was kicked off by the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) by MPA chief executive Lam Yi Young and Temasek Polytechnic’s principal and chief executive officer, Boo Kheng Hua.

The MOU will encourage projects that will result in breakthroughs in the use of fuel cell and other technologies that can be applied in the maritime field.

Out of the $6 million that the initiative will have at its disposal, $4 million in research grants will come from MPA’s Maritime Innovation and Technology Fund or MINT Fund, while another $1 million will come from Temasek Polytechnic, over a three-year period.

The remaining $1 million will be jointly secured from the industry.

‘As most would be aware, preserving the environment is a key challenge facing the international maritime community. The challenges are varied and complex,’ said Mr Lam at the launch yesterday.

‘They range from prevention of oil spills from ships, invasive alien marine species to air emissions which contribute towards climate change. The international maritime community has been hard at work responding to these environmental challenges such as exploring the use of alternative clean fuels and technologies to improve fuel efficiency and savings.’

One of the research and test-bedding projects identified in the MOU involves the use of fuel cells onboard ships to provide auxiliary power, replacing the diesel generator - a move which will reduce emissions.

Another research project will develop an automated way of continuously supplying clean power to underwater systems and devices.

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