NGO says deforestation worsens Siberut flooding

Conservationists in Padang, West Sumatra, have blamed forest concession holders (HPH) and timber exploitation permits (IPK) on, for the worsening floods on Siberut, one of the Mentawai Islands.

From April 5, floods covered five districts on the island for five days. It was the worst flooding ever seen on Siberut. Eleven homes were swept away or severely damaged. Three elementary schools, two community health clinics and more than 1,000 homes were swamped by up to 3 meters deep water.

Although no casualties were reported, around 7,000 people were forced flee and take refuge elsewhere. Most of them had not returned home by Thursday.

Mentawai Mandiri Citra Foundation (YCMM) executive director Berta Letisia Sarogdok said high rainfall was not the only cause of the flooding.

“The situation is worsened by damage to forests upstream through illegal logging, and the fact that the soil on Siberut is mostly clay with a low capacity to absorb water,” Berta said in Padang on Thursday.

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