Recycled demolition waste to be used on roads

Roads in Western Australia could soon be built from recycled construction and demolition waste.

The Environment Minister Bill Marmion is hoping to divert one million tonnes of such waste from landfill to help build roads.

He says Main Roads has approved the use of the waste in widening Great Eastern Highway in Rivervale.

“It now meets the specifications to be able to be used by contractors in roads,” he said.

“So, I’d hope that the Main Roads and contractors actually take the responsible route and try and use it.”

Labor’s environment spokeswoman Sally Talbot says while it is a good idea, the Government needs to do much more to improve WA’s recycling record.

“It’s one small step, in Western Australia we have an appalling record,” she said.

“What Bill Marmion should be doing if he had real courage to make decisions is introducing a container deposit scheme, 10 cents back on all our cans, bottles and cartons.

“That would make a radical difference to the amount of rubbish going to landfill.”

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