Restaurants awarded BCA Green Mark certification

Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA) announced on Monday that it is extending its Green Mark scheme to restaurants.

This is believed to be the first such green building certification scheme in the world to include restaurants.

Four McDonald’s outlets and an American-style diner, Brewerkz, were the first restaurants to be awarded the BCA Green Mark - the national green certification for buildings.

BCA said its new Green Mark for Restaurants scheme was introduced as a result of McDonald’s interest to “green” their restaurants as an extension of their global green strategy.

The McDonald’s outlet at Jurong Central Park, Asia’s first restaurant to be awarded the BCA Green Mark Platinum - the highest rating for green buildings - was conceptualised as a green building even before it was built.

The restaurant has a green roof, a rain water harvesting system and is designed to save energy and water.

BCA announced its new scheme on Monday morning at the launch of its Singapore Green Building Week, which will see 8,000 industry players from over 30 countries gathering in Singapore to discuss green building solutions.

The authority also announced that it will be signing two Memorandums of Understanding at its International Green Building Conference, which kicks off on Tuesday.

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