SC Johnson pledges to use 100 per cent sustainable palm oil

SC Johnson has added it name to the growing list of companies pledging to source sustainable palm oil.

The company set a goal to only use palm oil that comes from certified sustainable sources by 2015, a goal shared by Walmart, General Mills and McDonald’s. Others like Avon, Kellogg and Seventh Generation have focused on buying sustainable palm oil certificates.

SC Johnson made its pledge as part of its work with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, and says its a small user of palm oil, putting it in some home cleaning and air care products.

Some other companies, in setting palm oil goals, have also pointed out the relatively small amount of palm oil they use, showing that this is a clear case where companies from across various industries will need to work together to make change.

Growing demand for palm oil has been linked to deforestation, particularly in Indonesia and Malaysia, as farmers seek out more land for palm trees, destroying ecosystems and animal habitats.

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