Vestas wins order for 25 turbines from China

Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas won an order for 25 turbines for a wind park in China, the group said on Friday, highlighting its success in winning business in the world’s second biggest economy.

The deal comes after Vestas said last week its orders from China in 2010 had reached a record high as the country invests heavily in clean energy.

The latest order is also Vestas’s second announcement in just over a week of a turbine order from Hebei Construction Investment New Energy Company (HCINEC). It said the turbines were scheduled to be delivered in the third quarter of 2011.

China became the world’s biggest wind turbine market in 2009. Vestas has its largest integrated manufacturing plant in Tianjin, China and opened a research and development center in Beijing in October. It has said it would reserve its entire Chinese manufacturing capacity to meet local demand this year.

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