World Bank supports electricity access for schools in remote areas

The World Bank (WB) provides electric-generating equipment for several schools located in remote areas in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The assistance is delivered under the Safe and Energy Saved-Schools and Islamic Schools (SMAHE) program jointly conducted by WB and its counterparts that include the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), the People’s Welfare Coordinating Ministry and the Education and Culture Ministry.

“Equipment to generate electricity is provided under the program and the equipment uses renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. In 2012, two schools in Lombok received solar and wind-powered electric generating equipment, and in 2013, we will give four more schools the equipment,” Erita Nurhalim, WB Indonesia’s senior operator officer, told The Jakarta Post on Monday. She was speaking on the sidelines of a SMAHE workshop in Grand Legi Hotel in Mataram, NTB.

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