Eco Design Fair Spring 2014 theme: Discovering air, life and quality in both

The Eco Design Fair Spring 2014, the city’s first and largest green consumer community event, will return for its sixth year on April 19-20, 2014 at our new venue Gongyi Xintiandi.

Featured at the weekend-long show will be leaders in the social justice and environmental community, including entrepreneurs, designers, and speakers, to inspire the anticipated 15,000 plus visitors how to live green, safe and healthy lifestyles.

This one-of-a-kind weekend experience offers opportunities for Shanghai residents to meet their local community leaders; interact with more than 75 eco-friendly exhibitors; participate in educational workshops; enjoy live music and sample local seasonal cuisine.

Air and quality of life is this year’s theme as these are the most basic requirements of enjoying our natural environment. Feel free to watch the kites fly, enjoy the light breeze against your face, or just jump for joy under the big blue sky at this year’s Eco Design Fair!

Eco Design Fair Spring 2014 is a place to meet like-minded people. People who also enjoy living life to the fullest while remembering to breath deep. Learn how these people are living their passion through art, performance, workshops, and exhibits!

To further promote good life, Eco Design Fair has partnered with Touchmedia and Shanghai Blood Center in their ‘Touch Your Heart’ campaign. Donate life-saving blood on Saturday, April 19th to help improve the lives of others and learn just how big a difference one small action can make.

In keeping with our objective to reduce our event’s environmental impacts and to provide cleaner air, the Eco Design Fair 2014 has partnered with Emissions Zero to identify our carbon sources, focus on methods to reduce our emissions, and make this year’s event carbon neutral by investing in credible carbon-offset projects within China.

Eco Design Fair Spring 2014 Programme Highlights:

April 19th is too long a wait for us so the Good Air Day workshop on April 12th marks the early kick off for EDF. Topics of discussion will include causes of air pollution, how air pollution affects everyday life, and how to create healthier cities. This event is organized by GoodtoChina and held at the W+K office.

Enjoy one or three of our Green Walks with Shanghai Flaneur’s expertise to see yet another new side to this amazing city. Walks include a Sustainability Walk with Liu Yi, founder of LIFE and Magali Menant, co-founder CONSTELLATIONS, dealing with green movements in China, a Heritage Walk around the old town with Katya Knaseya exploring the role of heritage for sustainable urbanization, and a Philanthropy Talk & Walk around Gongyi Xintiandi with historian Dr. Ines Eben von Racktniz.

Connect with over 75 eco-friendly businesses at the Eco Marketplace, featuring the latest and greatest in sustainable products and services that will appeal to all members of the Shanghai community. Environmentally aware brands like Cedar Essentials, myLOHAS, Brut Cake, Biolan, Eco&More, Jonas Design, and many more will display their wares and explain how they care for the environment. The Eco Marketplace is only place in the city to see and buy well-designed sustainable, organic, natural, non- toxic, recycled, ethical, energy saving, and environmentally aware products all in one place.

LOHAS Magazine, China’s first publication focusing on healthy lifestyles, is partnered with Eco Design Fair 2014 to showcase the lohas lifestyle and present outstanding Eco Design Fair exhibitors with the prestigious LOHAS Choice & Eco Pick Awards.

The local Fresh Foods Farmer’s Market invites the city’s local, organic-certified farmers and food producers to offer their fresh, safe produce and products, such as BIOFarm, the Mahota, Pure and Whole, Bebemamie, and Epermarket.

The Chef’s Corner will be a series of cooking demonstrations showcasing Shanghai’s best local and diverse culinary talent. Guest chefs include a vegetarian monk, fitness monger, health guru, award- winning hotel chef, and many more. These chefs will show visitors how to get the most taste and nutrition out of the season’s harvest.

The Urban Farming Exhibit will introduce visitors to the basics of urban agriculture: discovering seeds and sprouts; learning of the medicinal benefits of herbs and leaves; creating composting cups, and DIY aquaponics and hydroponics seminars. Adults will have the opportunity to learn how they can integrate easy, inexpensive urban farming practices into their business or home, while children will gain early exposure to healthy eating and living through fun games and projects.

Visit the Sustainable Space Exhibit to see how old homes, apartments, office spaces, public areas and other structures can be transformed for better energy savings, greater comfort, and increased sustainability. LOHAUS, Shanghai’s Loft of Health and Urban Sustainability, has organized this event for visitors to learn techniques first-hand through interactive videos, models, and experts on site. Exhibits will feature an LED light wall, solar panels, and more. LOHAUS is dedicated to promoting individual action and use of energy-saving technology to reduce pollution and make city living healthier and sustainable.

The two Eco Stages will feature live entertainment, music and dance, healthy lifestyle demonstrations. Of course the exceedingly popular Eco Fashion Show will also be back with even more new, trendy and sustainable fashion for men, women, and children.

Children of all ages will love the inviting, upbeat activities in the Eco Kids Corner which includes eco manicures by Qkuts, spaces to play, kites to build, and craft workshops organized by ECO-NOMY Magazine.

Love for air, life, and sustainability will also be expressed creatively at ARTSpring’s Eco Values Art Exhibition. This fair will highlight an array of arts installations and performances, including a group of giant “silent wind chimes” by the Indian artist Ameet and a set of flying calligraphic works realized by the artist Zhang Jian-Jun. A kite-making station will be led by several artist-designers and traditional kite- makers and, for the third year in a row, the giant calligraphy wall will be back!

The CSR Exhibit will feature information on the initiatives of ECO-NOMY Magazine along with many NGOs and businesses in corporate social responsibility. See how big name brands voluntarily give back to society and the environment.

Ride for cleaner air, better urban transport planning and healthier society with GoodtoChina’s Critical Mass Bike Ride initiative. Riders will start from Eco Village on the 20th, discovering new paths and interesting city views as they make their way to the Eco Design Fair Spring 2014 venue at the Gongyi Xintiandi.

We invite the Shanghai community to join the Eco Design Fair Spring 2014 to eat, shop, listen, learn, network and dance the weekend away as you connect with your community. Don’t forget to bring your own water bottle, cutlery and reusable shopping bags!

What: Eco Design Fair Spring 2014
Where: Gongyi Xintiandi, 105 West PuYu Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
When: Saturday, April 19, 2013, 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday, April 20, 2013, 10:00 – 16:00

For more information, please visit our website,

Media Contact
Andrea Liu,
Sherry Poon,

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