Energy Storage China 2016 set to drive energy innovation in China

In October 2015, the 5th Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee approved the Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Economy and Social Development. In November 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated China’s commitment to tackling climate change. Both the Proposal and this climate commitment define China’s development path for the coming five years. 2016 is the first year of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan.

According to the five-year plan proposal, China will take practical steps to “persist in green development, focus on improving the ecological environment”, press ahead with the energy revolution, speed up innovation in energy technology, increase the proportion of non-fossil energy, accelerate the development of wind and solar energy, strengthen the development of energy storage and smart grids, develop distributed energy, promote energy-efficient and low-carbon power dispatching, and implement the plan on promoting new energy vehicles.”

The development of renewable energy and distributed energy, the promotion of electric vehicles, and the development of energy storage systems all underpin the development of the energy storage sector, which plays a critical part in energy innovation by providing supporting technology.

Energy Storage China 2016 (ESC 2016) is set to drive energy innovation in China. ESC 2016 will take place at the Beijing International Convention Center on May 10-12, 2016. This event is powered by the National Energy Administration and jointly organized by the China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA) and Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. The theme of ESC 2016 is “Energy Storage Supporting Energy Transformation, Driving Chinese Energy Innovation”, aiming to advance energy innovation on the global stage.

A new ESC 2016 platform upgraded to bring you new opportunities

Since its inception in 2012, Energy Storage China has been growing alongside China’s energy storage sector. A wide range of industry leaders, policymakers and scholars have attended the previous events to promote the healthy development of China’s energy storage sector. Energy Storage China has become a prestigious platform for cross-sectoral integration, cooperation and development.

The last event ended on a high note in Beijing on June 5th, 2015, featuring an impressive lineup of well-known brands, including ABB, Qunling Energy, Soaring Electric Technology, Trina Solar, Sungrow Power Supply, Narada Power Source, and many more. ESC 2015 attracted nearly 1,000 industry elites and visitors from 12 countries. It is expected that 2,000 Chinese and foreign visitors will attend ESC 2016.

ESC 2016 is set to upgrade its platform to bring attendees an even wider selection of topics and themes. The Expo on Energy Storage and Microgrids in China will be held concurrently to showcase energy storage and microgrid technologies, as well as highlight the latest market trends. The official website has officially been launched:

A top-tier energy storage conference

Energy Storage China has proven to be an annual highlight in the energy storage industry. At ESC 2015, around 80 Chinese and foreign speakers delivered speeches, covering hot topics in energy storage and related sectors. ESC 2016 will invite global elites and experts in the energy storage and power industry to discuss the latest sector developments.

Themes and topics will include decentralized energy and microgrids, global case studies, decentralized PV and energy storage, energy storage and the Internet of Energy, power grid applications, and more. As always, the CNESA will release its annual industry white paper.

A professional expo to guide the future of energy storage

Energy storage has become increasingly important to renewable energy-based power generation and microgrids, particularly in the Chinese market. According to CNESA, the proportion of energy storage projects in distributed power generation and microgrids in all energy storage projects in China jumped from 24% in 2013 to 46% in 2015.

The increase is attributed to four factors: China has ambitious plans to promote the development of BIPV systems and implement feed-in tariffs; distributed energy projects are more suitable for the application of existing energy storage technologies in terms of both cost and technical features; internationally, distributed generation and self-consumption have grown in importance, necessitating the use of energy storage; and solar energy storage has exhibited innovative growth and presents profitable opportunities, drawing great interest from investment and financing entities.

The exposition held concurrently with ESC 2016 will highlight products, technologies and system application solutions related to energy storage and key microgrid technologies. This expo aims to serve as China’s leading platform for energy storage and microgrid application technologies and solutions, providing industry players with application solutions which integrate microgrids, energy storage technologies, and renewable energy, and guide the future development of energy storage.

The World of Energy Storage

Energy Storage China is a proud member of an international energy storage event series, the World of Energy Storage. This series holds events in five cities across three continents, covering the world’s leading new energy markets: North America, India, China, Europe and Japan. These markets together have 70 per cent market share in energy storage.

The World of Energy Storage is supported by five top energy storage organizations: the German Energy Storage Association, the California Energy Storage Alliance, the China Energy Storage Alliance, the India Energy Storage Alliance and the Global Energy Storage Alliance. It provides opportunities for face-to-face communication between policymakers, planners, grid managers and global leading power companies, and serves as an ideal platform for attendees and exhibitors to exchange ideas and commercialize energy storage technologies.

Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Established in 2009, Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MDS) is a subsidiary of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, one of the world’s top 5 exhibition organizers. MDS is committed to introducing world’s No. 1 trade fairs to China and to providing Chinese customers with superior exhibition services. MDS has 20 years exhibition organizing experience, and is successfully holding 15 leading trade fairs in China, covering the industries of printing, packaging, wire and tube, plastics, renewable energy, medical devices, retail, safety and health, wine & spirits and caravanning.

MDS runs branch offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenyang and Chongqing with a workforce of 70+ full time employees. The worldwide outbound exhibition business (trade shows in Düsseldorf, Germany and other leading Messe Düsseldorf Global Shows) is organized by Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd. (MDC), serving Chinese exhibitors and visitors with superior customer service from its Hong Kong branch office. Find out more at

China Energy Storage Alliance

The China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA) is the first and only energy storage industry association in China. It is a nonprofit member-based organization founded in 2010.

CNESA is supported by a coalition of energy storage manufacturers, power producers, investors and new energy developers, and strives to spur the development of all types of energy storage technology and applications.

CNESA’s mission is to influence government policy in order to encourage the healthy growth of renewable energy through the use of competitive and reliable energy storage systems.

More information about Energy Storage China, please vist our website, or contact us directly.

Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Ms. Claire Jiang
Tel: (86)10-6590-7101
Fax: (86)10-6590-7347

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