GreenBlue launches Environmental Paper Assessment Tool® (EPAT) 3.0

GreenBlue, an environmental nonprofit dedicated to the sustainable use of materials in industry, has launched an updated version of the Environmental Paper Assessment Tool, EPAT 3.0.

EPAT ( is an innovative, web-based tool that allows buyers and sellers of paper products to work together to evaluate the sustainability of their paper products.

For paper buyers, EPAT provides a customized analysis to measure key environmental performance indicators in their supply chain and work with suppliers to meet sustainability criteria.

This latest version of EPAT builds on this the collaborative aspects of the tool and makes it even easier for buyers to gain transparency into their supply chains, including historical data, to look at improvement over time.

For paper suppliers, EPAT offers a single, consistent framework for reporting environmental data. In addition, this latest upgrade includes the ability for suppliers to conduct internal benchmarking, giving them the ability to see how their mill performs against industry peers for over 20 key performance indicators.

  • More user friendly and interactive interface
  • Regional and global search functionality
  • Historical data views
  • Key performance criteria lenses

“Over the last year we have been working closely with current EPAT subscribers and other stakeholders in the forest products value chain to make EPAT 3.0 easier and more robust to have informed discussions about the most important key performance indicators when making sustainable purchasing decisions,” said Senior Manager of Forest Products, Tom Pollock.

Webinar: EPAT manager Tom Pollock will be hosting a webinar on April 19, 2016 at 11 a.m. EST to introduce EPAT 3.0. Sign up here.

EPAT Licenses: To purchase a license for EPAT 3.0, visit Annual licenses are $500 for buyers and $3,000 for suppliers.

About GreenBlue

GreenBlue® is an environmental nonprofit dedicated to the sustainable use of materials in industry. The organization brings together key stakeholders to advance material innovation, education, and research that support continuous adoption of sustainable materials management practices in business.

For more information, visit or follow GreenBlue on Twitter@GreenBlueOrg.

Contact Anne Elsea, GreenBlue Communications Coordinator 434-202-4827

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