GreenPost introduces e-billing that supports multiple billers

GreenPost is pleased to announced the implementation of its groundbreaking locally developed technology to help Singaporeans and residents go paperless with their monthly bills and statements. The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) has recently implemented a pilot run of the system to a small group of its members.

The technology aggregates NUSS members’ monthly statements online with many other bills and statements of local providers in a single portal ( which they can access with a single login. The service is also available on mobile apps on the iPad and iPhone.

When NUSS mooted the idea of providing members’ bills electronically, they recognised the challenges in changing consumer behaviour to accepting e-bills.

GreenPost, a leader in e-bill and statement aggregation, supports multiple billers’ statements on its portal, including from some of Singapore’s highest volume billers. NUSS members can now check their NUSS electronic Statement of Accounts (eSOA) on GreenPost, in addition to their telco and utility bills as well, among others. Members could also access these bills on GreenPost’s mobile apps.

The pilot run of the eSOA was implemented in second quarter of 2010 with a selected group of NUSS members receiving their SOAs on the portal instead of printed copies.  Members in the selected group who did not want their SOA in electronic format could inform the Society of this and continue to receive hard copy statements.

So far, the convenience of being able to receive several bills in one place has proven an effective hook for the paperless lifestyle. Encouragingly, only a small percentage of members in the first phase chose to stick with hard copy statements, with the rest willing to try the aggregated model and accept eSOAs. As a result, conversion rates to paperless billing for NUSS have outstripped industry norms. The reduction in paper volumes is also expected to save NUSS money on its monthly billing.

Mr Johnny Tan, President of NUSS commented: “In keeping with industry trends and as part of our corporate responsibility to be more environmentally conscious, we have started offering some of our publications in e-format and making them available online to our members.  We see the importance of implementing sustainable practices that benefit the environment and will continue to look for ways to conserve the environment while offering convenience to our members.”

Mr Francis Pavri, a member of NUSS who tried the service, had this to say:  “I am impressed! I managed to get bills from four billers – NUSS, StarHub, SingTel and Singapore Power – within a few minutes, and it works wonderfully. I can see all my bills on the website. This is really convenient. Good job and thanks!”

With the aggregated eSOA offering, NUSS is riding the crest of a wave of interest in saving paper. 2011 has been declared the International Year of Forests by the United Nations, with many international initiatives in the area being organised by various groups.

“We were very pleased to work with NUSS on its e-bills aggregation. The club’s management is far-sighted and keen to explore new technology. Our solution is convenient for members and will deliver cost savings to the club. Bill aggregation is the key to widespread paperless adoption. It is the missing piece in the consumer behaviour puzzle and we are confident it will change the paper billing industry as we know it,” said Mr Harveen Narulla, GreenPost’s Director (Strategy).

GreenPost is discussing several contracts with clubs, larger billers, payment collectors and banks here. It is also looking to be a technology provider to the government’s OneInbox initiative, which is up for tender soon. The company has regional ambitions and has already started work on its Malaysian, Australian and Hong Kong aggregated e-billing systems.


About NUSS

NUSS is the foremost graduate club with more than 15,500 graduate members from NUS and other universities. Officially established in 1954, NUSS has undergone several revisions in name – the University of Malaya Society (1954), the University of Singapore Society (1962) and finally the National University of Singapore Society (1981), as it is known today. For more information on NUSS, please visit

About GreenPost

GreenPost is Singapore’s only aggregator of electronic bills and statements. It is driving the adoption of a paperless lifestyle in Singapore through its novel approach to presenting ebills. Its service is free for users, who can also access their bills on mobile (iPad, iPhone) and enjoy value added analytics and bill payment options.


International Year of Forests 2011

The UN General Assembly in 2006 declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests. This was driven by the understanding that sustainable forest management can contribute to sustainable development, poverty eradication and achievement of internationally agreed development goals. Official page:

UN General Assembly Resolution 61/193:

For more information, enquiries, or media interviews, please contact:

Donna Garcia
Rice Communications for GreenPost
Mobile: +65 9734 8808

Harveen Narulla
Director (Strategy), GreenPost
Mobile: +65 9852 9373

Almeta Chia
Assistant Director, Corporate Affairs, NUSS
Tel: 65863766

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