Key business consultation survey launched to finalise policy recommendations on nature

Key business consultation survey launched to finalise policy recommendations on nature

Madrid, Spain, November 5, 2019: Today, during Natural Capital Week, Business for Nature, a global coalition of influential organisations and forward-thinking businesses, has launched an important business consultation survey that will run until November 30.

The survey gives businesses of all sectors, sizes and geographies the chance to contribute their experience and expertise to the policy recommendations that Business for Nature will take to governments at key events in 2020, creating a strong united business voice calling for policies to address the nature crisis.

The survey can be completed here.

The science is clear that the health of the planet is declining at rates never seen in human history and that it is putting our global economy at risk, as well as undermining human health and well-being, societal resilience, and progress towards the SDGs.

Nature is essential to both global economic prosperity and individual business success. Only through an integrated response to climate change, nature loss and sustainable development can our planet and its people thrive.

Forward-thinking businesses understand and are taking action on these risks and the related opportunities, but efforts remain fragmented and business voices calling for changes are not heard in international policy forums where decisions are taken.

Business for Nature demonstrates existing business action and amplifies a powerful business voice calling for governments to reverse nature loss.

In 2020, world leaders have a unique opportunity to forge international agreements to reverse nature loss as they did for climate in the 2015 Paris Agreement, and Business for Nature has been set up to ensure businesses have a genuine voice in this arena.

To encourage governments to embrace a set of policies that can drive global systemic and transformative change, the business community has to demonstrate that safeguarding nature makes economic sense.

The survey, along with a number of consultation workshops at key events in varied geolocations, will provide the input from business to contribute constructively to the political debate, building on the top-line policy recommendations and a commitment framework already in existence.

Importantly, it will bring the business perspective on the policy changes needed to reverse nature loss and restore the planet’s vital natural systems on which economies, well-being and prosperity depend on. 

About Business for Nature

Business for Nature is a global coalition bringing together influential organisations and forward-thinking businesses. Together, we demonstrate business action and amplify a powerful business voice calling for governments to reverse nature loss.

For further information about Business for Nature, kindly contact:

Jen Stebbing -

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