Life Cycle Thinking Forum

start2see will be attending PACIA’s Life Cycle Thinking Forum in Melbourne on March 6, 2012.

The Forum is organised on behalf of the Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association (PACIA) in Australia. It is aimed at opening up a dialogue on the value of life cycle thinking to Australian industry, business, government, research and the broader community. start2see is looking forward to explore themes such as how life cycle thinking can support better decision making and investment, product/marketing claims, policy setting, R&D etc.

Rob Rouwette, director of start2see, has run life cycle thinking training courses and workshops with both PACIA members and non-members. If you are interested in reaping the benefits of a life cycle approach for your organisation, then contact us via

start2see is an environmental consultancy specialising in life cycle thinking and life cycle assessments (LCA). The overarching aim is to help clients understand and quantify environmental issues. A whole-of-life approach allows clients to find the most cost-effective, optimal sustainability outcome and is essential for making better decisions.

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