Major players to gather in Accra for Sub-Saharan Africa Solar Conference

Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most exciting solar markets in the world. The region faced by dire energy demand gap and the urgent need for this to be addressed coupled with the high solar irradiance bestowed in the region create exceptional opportunities for solar energy investment & deployment. Sub-Saharan Africa Solar Conference 2014 will kick off from 23 to 24 April 2014 in Accra, Ghana

The conference will see a distinguished panel of speakers drawn from Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, The Netherlands, Germany, South Africa, Philippines, USA, Belgium, Senegal, Abu Dhabi etc.

The conference is well timed to tap on the opportunities. Commented Samuel Adu-Asare, African Renewable Energy Alliance – AREA, “Looking forward, Sub-Saharan African countries tends to offer the biggest market opportunities to integrate RE technologies to accelerate the growth of its regional economies that will help address the socio-economic challenges confronting most of its people.”

This high-level strategic platform, which features a gathering of the Who’s Who in solar energy infrastructure developments to meet the energy demand gap of the SSA nations, for rural electrification and energy intensive industries.

“The conference provides an unique opportunity to explore untapped business partnerships in Sub Saharan Africa and interaction with energy regulators and decision makers involved with implementation of generation targets and project development plans in renewable energy”, said Mr. Amit Jain, Energy Access Specialist for Asian Development Bank

Recognising “The nexus between solar energy, agriculture and agro-processing will be one of the keys to unlock the productive capacity of the region, impact on global trade and provide sustainable and inclusive growth,” commented Dr. L. Thiombiano, Deputy Regional Representative for Africa, FAO Representative to Ghana, Regional Office for Africa.

Companies showcasing their technology & expertise are renewables – Made in Germany and Solar Way. They have recognised the opportunities in the region,

“Photovoltaic markets in Sub-Saharan Africa have shown a vibrant development in recent times. ‘renewables – Made in Germany’ supports this development by the facilitation of sustainable partnerships between African and German companies entailing knowledge and technology transfer. The initiative thus focuses on information dissemination and the support for showcase projects. Therefore, we believe that this conference is a good opportunity to initiate strong partnerships that will even build more on the markets’ momentum”, said Miss Elisabeth Gager.

Country development agencies and policy makers such as Mr. Rene Tobias Meyer, Secretariat of GET FiT Uganda commented that “This Sub-Saharan Africa Solar Conference 2014 should be interesting for global developers of and investors in solar/PV technology. The entry to the African solar market is shaped by various opportunities and constraints, which are best understood from firsthand experience. Further, development agencies provide interesting incentive schemes for investment, which will be presented at this conference.”

Investors such as Mr. Ernest Nyarko, Investment Director of Harith General Partners have no doubts on the future of solar energy, sharing his thoughts that developing a clean, affordable and inexhaustible solar power infrastructure will positively impact the insecurities in our power sectors.

“Yet in spite of its proven long term benefits around the world, solar power is still a new concept in our space. But it is heart-warming that it is now gaining traction among key stakeholders as a pivotal solution to our perennial power problem”, adding that the “conference will afford us all the opportunity not just to gain fresh sector-perspectives, but also contribute to the discourse on actualising the potential of solar power in our infrastructure space.”

Mr. Nana Yaw Kwakye, Investment Manager of the SSA Investment Team for Investment Fund for Developing Countries also believes that “Aside from networking and knowledge sharing, the conference will be a great avenue to ascertain how far we are from realising the potential of solar in Africa.”

The CEO of the conference organising company, Magenta Global Pte. Ltd, Singapore, Ms Maggie Tan, said “This conference will provide a roadmap on how the governments and Industries can work together to tap into solar energy - a clean energy that not only solve Africa’s energy crunch but also provides job and stimulate economic growth. Any company that offers products and services related to the development of solar energy project must not miss the opportunity to assess firsthand the opportunities and business potential present in the sub-Saharan Africa region. The combination of the pressing energy shortage situation and the natural resource of solar radiation places sub-Saharan Africa in the optimum position to leverage on the bountiful opportunity that solar energy can offer.”

Ms Tan encouraged companies, organisations, businesses and government that share Magenta’s vision for the future of a sustainable clean energy supply for sub-Saharan Africa to be part of this key event.

The conference is organized by Singapore-based Magenta Global and is supported by ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), African Network for Solar Energy (ANSOLE), Saudi Arabia Solar Industry Association (SASIA), Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA), Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry Association (TPVIA) and Alliance for Rural Electrification.

The conference proceedings will be in English & will be hosted at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra, Ghana.

Media Contact:
Reema Raj
Marketing Manager
Magenta Global Pte Ltd
Connecting Industry Professionals Worldwide
Direct Tel: +65 6391 2530

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