MOU between GAC, IUIA and SSIIP

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed between GAC Ventures Pte Ltd (GAC), International University Innovation Alliance (IUIA) based in China and Sino-Singapore Investment-Innovation Platform (SSIIP) to build stronger relations between the three organizations to benefit companies from Singapore, China and IUIA international network across the cleantech, eco-products, energy, environment and sustainability sectors, in the following areas of collaboration:-

A. Promotion and Profiling of Eco-Products and Environmental Solutions from China and IUIA International Network via Green Trade Hub (GTH) (

GTH, by being plugged into the East Asia Business Exchange (EABEX) (, will allow these companies to be promoted to overseas markets, and to have a 1-to-1 business matching against one of more than hundred thousand companies in 13 different markets across ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea.

It will facilitate these companies access to projects, investment and financing as well as back-end support & professional business advisory services including office set-up and BPO services intheir overseas go-to-market.

B. Cleantech Marketplace Forum (CTMF)

CTMF, founded by GAC Ventures, will act as a platform connecting cleantech companies and solutions from China and the IUIA network with projects, markets, investment and financing.

C. Joint Business Missions

GAC, together with IUIA and SSIIP, target to organise regular exchange business missions to facilitate overseas market access as well as business and technology collaboration amongst Singaporean and companies from China and IUIA international network. These include co-hosting and joint coordination of delegation visits, possibly coinciding with participation in major international conferences, exhibitions and workshops.

D. Capacity Building

GAC will help conduct and design capacity building training programs for companies and institutions and agencies in China and the IUIA network, related to areas such as green project management, green productivity, systems thinking, design thinking, social entrepreneurship, volunteer management, sustainable innovation, and topics related to sustainability as a megatrend and a strategic business driver for these companies.

The MoU signing ceremony was held at IUIA-Singapore Incubation Platform Investment & Collaboration Forum at Central Chambers Law Corporations in Singapore on 17th March 2016.

GAC Ventures

GAC Ventures ( is an associate company of VISIONEDGE Technologies (VT), an IAIR Awards 2014 winner for “the Best Company for Sustainability - Cleantech South East Asia” and the implementation consultant for Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s Low Carbon Technology Marketplace for Asia Pacific, with expertise spanning across the new green economy assisting national and local government authorities, multi-lateral agencies and development banks, business enterprises, SMEs as well as NGOs and schools in project consultancy and advisory, capacity development training, green growth and productivity assessment with implementation, and growth acceleration and business facilitation.

GAC operates a number of platforms that gives an extra edge to VT’s expertise. These include

-Cleantech Marketplace Forum

  • Connecting of cleantech companies with markets, projects, investment and financing, and through CTMF overseas roadshows and the flagship event Asia Pacific Cleantech Marketplace Forum.

-Green Trade Hub

  • An O2O (Online-to-offline) business exchange which not only promotes eco-products and environmental solutions to the international marketplace, but allows for 1-to-1 business matching of companies by being plugged into the East Asia Business Exchange.

-IUIA China-Singapore Venture Accelerator

  • A cross-border platform jointly run by GAC and Beijing based International University Innovation Alliance (IUIA) backed by the China Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA), assisting early stage cleantech, fintech and ICT companies in growth acceleration, market access and investment/financing besides the use of physical office space and shared facilities.
  • In Singapore, GAC operates Growth Acceleration Centre providing physical co-working space and shared facilities as well as mentoring and business support for early and growth stage companies.

GAC is also one of the consortium partners involved in the Clark Green City, Philippines project.

Green Trade Hub (

The Green Trade Hub is the go-to portal for both business and organization customers and end consumers looking for eco-products & green solutions, across areas such as

•Energy efficient & energy saving

•Energy storage

•Green building

•Green consumables

•Green factory

•Green home

•Green household appliances

•Green office

•Green IT

•Green living

•Green materials

•Green transport

•Green supply chain & logistics

•Resource conservation

•Resource recovery/recycling (e.g. recycled products)

•Renewable energy, e.g. solar, wind, etc.

•Wastewater treatment

•The eco-products and environmental solutions are

•Pre-qualified and certified

•Classified into different business & consumer categories for easy searching, sorting and filtering

•Available for comparison based on peer review and ranking

•Available for online purchase and ordering

A joint venture between GAC Ventures and Barterfli, the company behind the East Asia Business Exchange (EBAEX), the Green Trade Hub will enable thousands of eco-product and environmental solution companies to profile and promote themselves and gain exposure in the international markets. It offers various forms of business concierge, match-making and overseas go-to-market support services for companies reaching out to different industry sectors and markets across 13 economies in East Asia by plugging into a network of partnering trade associations in ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea.


International University Innovation Alliance (IUIA) (www.TheIUIA.ORG) was established in early 2015 in Beijing supported by:

  • China Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce
  • Torch High Technology Industry Development Center of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
  • Science and Technology Development Center of Ministry of Education, and
  • Beijing Financial Assets Exchange

IUIA promotes overseas incubation with top universities, incubators, research institutions globally and helps to accelerate the commercialization of research and innovative technologies of these companies via its own incubators, venture accelerators and National High-Tech Parks in China. The ultimate objective is to grow these companies for global market access.


Sino-Singapore Investment & Innovation Platform Pte Ltd (“SSIIP”) is a boutique consultancy outfit located in Singapore specialized in assisting Chinese Business & HighTech Parks and their companies in attracting foreign capital investment by effectively promoting “foreign capital” and “talent recruitment” as well as to encourage qualified Chinese companies to invest abroad in order to implement the “going out” and “bringing in” two-way economic development strategy of China.

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