Pangolin: Clients have offset 110,000 tonnes of carbon

Energy and carbon management firm, Pangolin Associates, says in three and a half years of trading Pangolin clients have offset almost 110,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (precisely 109,809 tonnes as of February 2014).

For some clients offsetting is part of the carbon neutral certification process under the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS). Many others simply choose to reduce their footprint via carbon credits voluntarily.

Carbon offsetting takes the form of purchased carbon credits. This is a globally recognised abatement for greenhouse gas emissions available to both businesses and individuals. Typically investing in carbon credits supports renewable energy projects.

Australia also creates credits through forestry conservation schemes that meet global certification standards. Despite kind or country, every carbon credit has the same value. One credit represents one tonne of greenhouse gas sequestered, prevented, or removed from the atmosphere.

Pangolin’s Joint Managing Director, Iain Smale, puts his clients’ credit tally in practical terms. He says “110,000 tonnes of carbon equates to taking nearly 30,500 cars off Australian roads for a year. Our clients have done well to make this difference.“

Through workplace sustainability actions and offsetting, many Australian organisations are actually reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to net zero. These companies are eligible to apply for carbon neutrality under NCOS.

Additionally Smale adds, “Over the past few years carbon and energy intensive companies are putting carbon credit abatement into much longer term strategies. Increasingly offsetting emissions is part of a more complex sustainability roadmap that includes greenhouse gas assessments, energy efficiency audits, and environmental management plans.”

About Pangolin Associates

Pangolin Associates Pty Ltd has offices in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Canberra. The consultancy works with businesses and governments across Australia helping to increase efficiencies and competitiveness whilst reducing carbon, energy and other environmental impacts.

Pangolin’s services include comprehensive greenhouse gas assessments (carbon footprints), energy efficiency audits, verification and assurance services, and carbon offsetting. Pangolin’s scientific team has comprehensive experience and the highest level of environmental accreditations. Auditors are registered with the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Regulator.

For more, visit:
Media contact: Iain Smale on 02 8005 6300 or

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