Phoenix Solar to build a 707kWp PV system in the Singapore Sports Hub

A flagship project that positions PV as a future mainstream source of electricity in Singapore

Singapore - Phoenix Solar Pte Ltd, an international photovoltaic system integrator, will design and construct a 707 kWp photovoltaic (PV) system at the Singapore Sports Hub, one of the world’s largest sports-related Public-Private Partnership, established between the Singapore Sports Council and SportsHub Pte Ltd.

Among other facilities, the Sports Hub will include a new 55’000-capacity National Stadium with a retractable dome roof. The PV system will offset the energy required by the stadium’s bowl cooling system, making it carbon-neutral.

Phoenix Solar will own and operate the system and has signed a 21-year solar power purchase agreement with SportsHub Pte Ltd. This gives Sports Hub stable electricity prices for the next 21 years, with no up-front investment.

“This is a great project for Phoenix Solar. PV is commercially viable today, and the Sports Hub is a perfect setting to demonstrate the integration of PV in Singapore’s urban landscape” said Mr Christophe Inglin, Managing Director of Phoenix Solar.

Constructed using REC modules and SMA inverters, the PV system will occupy an area of approx. 7’000m². Its prominent location within the Sports Hub will provide a unique showcase for PV technology, with exposure to a wide cross section of the population – both local and international.

“We are very pleased to work with Phoenix Solar. They have combined solid technical expertise with an aesthetic design to integrate their PV power plant in the Sports Hub campus. This is just the beginning of the Singapore Sports Hub’s plan to integrate innovative technologies into this state-of-the-art sports, entertainment and lifestyle hub,” said Philippe Collin Delavaud, Chief Executive Officer of SportsHub Pte Ltd.

About Phoenix Solar Pte Ltd

Phoenix Solar Pte Ltd is the Asia headquarters of Phoenix Solar AG. Located in Singapore, Phoenix Solar Pte Ltd offers full turn-key services including design, engineering, supply, installation and commissioning of ground-based and rooftop photovoltaic power plants. Projects include over 7MWp of rooftop projects and over 70MWp of ground mounted power plants in Asia.

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