Publication on “The Impact of Private Standards on Global Value Chains”

The Impact of Private Standards on Global Value Chains

This publication review the main areas of impact of private standards in global value chains and the reasons behind such impacts; how and why governance mechanisms and chain structures change in global value chains as a result of standards being implemented; the way private standards impact small producer and exporter participation in a value chain and how they enhance or hinder upgrading opportunities for producers/exporters; and the extent to which the distribution of revenues along the value chain is affected by these standards.

About Standards Map

Standards Map – – is an interactive online database which presents comprehensive and comparable information on voluntary sustainability standards, private standards, sustainability schemes and retailer codes of conduct, with the aim to strengthen the capacity of producers, exporters and buyers to participate in more sustainable production and trade.

Standards Map references information on over 70 standards operating in more than 200 countries and certifying products and services in over 60 economic sectors. Through an intuitive and user-friendly search process, users can review and compare standards across common themes and criteria. Standards Map also includes additional reference material to increase awareness and knowledge of standards, including quick fact sheets for each of the standards referenced and links to over 250 academic studies, dissertations and research papers.

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