Solar asset management Asia set to optimise solar operation in Japan

Japan witnessed the first drop in solar panel shipment during Q2 2015 since 2012, which may signal the onset of slower yet stabler growth of PV installations in the decades to follow.

Nonetheless, Japan still remains as the second largest PV market in 2015 with 9 GWp cumulative capacity, outrunning that of the US and 18.4 per cent higher than the combined capacity of UK, Germany and India, according to IHS.

In terms of utility-scale solar, Japan achieved almost a year-on-year growth of 42 per cent, with 600 MW of PV plants constructed boosting the country’s total installed capacity to 1.44 GW, according to a recent research from Solarplaza.

By the end of 2015, per capita installed solar capacity of Japan reached 71 W, about 50 per cent higher than that of Germany.

Meanwhile, the rather generous FiT may be replaced with a tendering scheme, which is intended to stimulate better operation performance and improve the overall competitiveness of renewable energy projects in general, says Takehiro Kawahara, Deputy Director of the New and Renewable Energy Division Agency at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), in an interview with Solarplaza.

In this way, what would be the challenge brought forward by these dynamics? How should project developers respond in accordance?

Bringing together director representative of the METI, consultants, financiers, and project developers, the Solar Asset Management Asia is designated to answer to the latest trend of Japan’s solar PV industry.

The two-day conference is a desirable channel to learn about operation and management strategies of solar assets in a time of tightening regulations. Moreover, the Solar Asset Management Asia is a perfect platform to expand your contact networks.

With over 150 high-level delegates and dozens of leading sponsors and partners, you will have insightful interactions and opportunities to get an ‘insider perspective’ of Japan’s PV industry.

Join Solarplaza’s webinar (Wed, May 11) on how to operationalise weather data to benchmark plant performance and forecast project cash flows, with Vector Cuatro Japan, and Kipp & Zonnen.

The webinar is an ideal chance to get firsthand information on the common pitfalls mostproject developers have made in irradiation measurement and the difference between Japan and other major solar markets.

Register now and get ahead with your project development and management skills.

If you wish to discuss your involvement in the Solar Asset Management Asia, please get in touch with Stefano Cruccu (stefano(at) in English and Saori Minamino (saori(at) in Japanese or dial +31 10 280 9198.

To learn further about the event, go to the event website.

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