Strategic Summits Present New Business and Investment Opportunities in Myanmar, the Last Economic Tiger in Asia

Strategic Summits Present New Business and Investment Opportunities in Myanmar, the Last Economic Tiger in Asia


YANGON, Myanmar: The passing of Myanmar’s new foreign investment law has ignited global investors and regional business groups’ quest to gain first-mover advantage in the hottest market in the world.

CMT’sInvest Myanmar Series launched in March 2012, offers vital business intelligence on New Myanmar. To date CMT has organized 9 summits in Yangon attracting over 2000 delegates from over 42 countries who gained vital information on business prospects in key sectors like Oil, Gas & Power, Mining, Cement, Agriculture, Telecoms and Real Estate.

In January 2013, CMT will host 3 timely forums outlining what would-be investors need to know, latest policy guidelines, authoritative speaker line up & networking sessions with decision-makers. These summits aim to help align expectations between investors and the government, thereby accelerating the country’s economic reforms. They are:

  • 2nd Myanmar Mining Summit on 21-24 January officially hosted by the Ministry of Mines and to be opened by H E Dr Myint Aung, Union Minister of Mines. This 4 days event promises direct discussion and interaction with Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Finance and Internal Revenue and DICA officials via 1 to 1 meeting sessions.
  • On 28-31 January the firstMyanmar Power Summit will present H E U Khin Maung Soe, Union Minister of Electric Powergiving keynote opening address. Officially hosted by Ministry of Electric Power this event also offers 1-to-1 Business Meetings with Officials from Ministry of Electric Power
  • NEW Myanmar Investment Summittakes placeon 28-29 Jan to discuss key clauses of the New Investment Law, Role of Directorate Investment and Company Administration (DICA) and Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) providing clarity on investments challenges, opportunities in key sectors including downstream Oil and Gas, plantations, ICT Telecoms, lifestyle & retail market, integrated hospital and healthcare facilities. Held for the third time after 2 successful series in June and October this year, 2013 agenda presents a workshop on “Securing Funds for Projects in Myanmar” spotlighting the Application, Conditions & Implementation in Agriculture / Processing, Industrial Manufacturing and Services.

Other upcoming events from the Invest Myanmar Series are RubberPlant Summit in March, Myanmar Consumer (FMCG) and Myanmar Transport & Logistics Summits in May.

For more information on the Series, please visit

Contact: Ms. Hafizah, 65 6346 9218

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