The Centre for Sustainable Environmental Sanitation (CSES) at the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) was appointed by UPM Umwelt-Projekt-Management GmbH (UPM) to evaluate critically the actual and potential co-benefits resulting from the Sichuan Rural Poor-Household Biogas Development Programme beyond its main purpose, the reduction of GHG emissions.
The study was led by CSES director and environmental sanitation expert Prof. Dr. Ing. Zifu Li (scientific supervisor) and German CSES guest professor and leading international biogas technology expert Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Peter Mang (study coordinator), whereas research work was conductedby a team of CSES senior and junior professionals. The timeline for the entire study project ranged from 11 September 2015 to 21 February 2016.
The twofold methodological approach of the study compares the empirical data collected during the field survey carried through in November 2015 at 20 randomly selected PoA households in Sichuan’s counties Fucheng and Dongpo with the findings of hundreds of evaluated national and international scientific publications about household biogas programmes.
This publication is the short version of the CSES field survey and the complementary desk study report about the co-benefits of UPM’s Sichuan Household Biogas PoA. It summarises the main findings and recommendations of the underlying study.
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