The Living Planet Report is the world’s leading, science-based analysis on the health of our only planet and the impact of human activity. Its key finding? Humanity’s demands exceed our planet’s capacity to sustain us. That is, we ask for more than what we have. The latest edition of the Living Planet Report was released in May 2012. You can read all about its findings in the links below or download the full report.
- How have key species populations have fared since 1970?
- Why do temperate species do better than tropical species?
- Who comes off worse: terrestrial or freshwater animals?
- Which countries make the most demands on our planet, and which the least?
- How is this related to what we earn?
- And how “developed” we are?
- How does the loss of species diversity affect you and me?
Play with the information
- Use the Interactive Footprint Calculator to find your country and see how it compares to others.
- See what makes up the biggest components of our water footprint.
- Watch how the index for species populations move and change over time.
Reduce my footprint
- How you can make changes without making sacrifices
- Measure your own individual impact on your planet
- What you eat can have some of the biggest impacts
- Be energy efficient at home
WWF in Action
Stories from the field that show how WWF is helping people reduce their footprint and conserve biodiversity
- “Mother Mekong” This mighty river provides for 60 million people in 6 countries. And she needs our help.
- “Enough food to protect lemurs” By helping farmers grow more rice, WWF in Madagascar is reducing pressure on forests and the lemurs who live in them.
- “Saving the salad bowl” Marine protected areas are giving coral reefs in the Philippines a chance to regrow.
- Leading the way: since 2006, WWF-Finland has been helping businesses go green.
- Valuing nature: In the Danube-Carpathian region, WWF is a leader in promoting prosperity while conserving biodiversity.
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